White Salmon Visual Preference Study - Small Manufactured Residences


Housing Action Plan Implementation, Phase III

Take the Survey Now! 

Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MVZVGF7

We appreciate you taking the time to participate in our survey!


Your input is vital in shaping the future of our community’s housing options as part of the City’s adopted Housing Action Plan. Use this unique opportunity to help create more and better housing while ensuring a vibrant and livable White Salmon for everyone!


Why Your Opinion Matters

We’re looking at a series of small manufactured housing units, and we need your feedback to make the best choices. Here’s what we’re considering:

  1. Proven Favorites – Plans that have received positive feedback before.
  2. Small Town Charm – Designs that fit our traditional character.
  3. Real-Life Examples – Units that are already built and photographed.
  4. Ready for White Salmon – Units that can be delivered to our city.


How You Can Help

  • Rate the Plans: Compare and rate each housing option from 0 (least desirable) to 10 (most desirable). Don’t worry about ranking them in order.
  • Focus on Exteriors: Consider how each building would look in your neighborhood. Ignore interior details, but feel free to note any thoughts in the comments.
  • Neutral? Mark as 5: If you’re indifferent about a plan, simply mark it as a 5.


Take the Survey Now! 

Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MVZVGF7


Thank you for your participation and commitment to our community!