Public Records Request

The City Clerk Treasurer has the responsibility to manage and maintain the City's official records and is designated as the City's Public Records Officer. All request for public records shall be made in writing and delivered by mail or electronically through the City's online Public Records Request Form (provided below under "Supporting Documents"). 

Per Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 42.56.520, the City shall respond promptly to your request. Within five days after receiving a request, the City will either

  • Provide you with said record(s).
  • Acknowledge your request and give you a reasonable estimate of how long it will take to respond.
  • Deny your request in writing, with the reasons for denial. The City will provide you with the specific law it relies upon for the denial.
Public Records Request Procedure

The City has adopted a  Public Records Policy and Procedure which is also available below in "Supporting Documents."

The City of White Salmon does not maintain an index of public records.

To help facilitate a prompt response, the City encourages that all requests be made in writing on a Public Records Request Form which is available below in "Supporting Documents." Requests may be submitted in person, orally, by mail, or by e-mail. Mail and email will be considered received on the date the form is stamped "received", not on the date sent. Requests for public records may be made orally during normal business hours. Requests for public records made orally must be confirmed by the Public Records Officer.

Stephanie Porter, Clerk Treasurer (Public Records Officer)
509-493-1133 #205, Email: