Phone: 1-509-493-1133
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
White Salmon City Hall
100 N Main St.
White Salmon, WA 98672
One of the fundamental responsibilities of local government is planning and the preparation of plans. Planning is the word we use to describe how a community shapes and guides growth and development. There are a variety of plans that shape and inform the near-term and long-term priority projects across a range of departments. All plans go before council before being adopted as final, and many of the below plans are obligated by the state be updated on a cyclical basis.
Comprehensive plans are the centerpiece of local planning efforts. A comprehensive plan articulates a series of goals, objectives, policies, actions, and standards that are intended to guide the day-to-day decisions of elected officials and local government staff. White Salmon's Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2021, and serves as the foundation that shapes and guides all other plans related to land use, housing, capital facilities, utilities, rural development, and transportation.
The capital facilities plan contains a list of capital projects with estimated costs and proposed methods of financing and is updated on a regular basis. A "capital facility" is usually defined as having an established minimum dollar value and a useful life of greater than five years. Public expenditures for facilities and other physical items not meeting those two criteria usually will be categorized as replacement and maintenance expenditures. For example, replacement of a fire engine would be a capital facility, while replacement of a fire hose would typically be viewed as a replacement item.
The Washington State Growth Management Act requires that transportation planning and system development support the broader, long-range goals for community development. The Growth Management Act specifies transportation as a required element of a comprehensive plan (RCW 36.70A.070(6)). While Klickitat County is not a county planning under GMA, the city is undertaking a Transportation Plan update that is modified to focus on existing conditions and future needs, as well as updating street standards and creating a priority list of projects.
From time to time, master plans are updated to ensure City regulations, goals and plans remain current, change as conditions change and comply with updated State and Federal Regulations. Current plans under revision in 2023 include the Shoreline Master Plan (SMP) and the Transportation System Plan (TSP). As draft documents are created, these are posted below for public review. The SMP update is expected to be complete during summer 2023. Draft TSP documents are expected to be ready for review in late April or early May 2023.