City of White Salmon Ordinances |
Ordinance 2025-02-1179 Amending WSMC 02.08 Clerk Treasurer
Ordinance 2025-02-1178 Amending WSMC 17.48.020 Schools and Childcare in Commercial Zone
Ordinance 2025-02-1177 Amending WSMC 13.12 Sewer System
Ordinance 2025-01-1175 Amending WSMC 18.41 and WSMC 13.01.050
Ordinance 2024-12-1170 Amending the 2024 Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2024
Ordinance 2024-11-1169 Adopting the 2025 Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2025
Ordinance 2024-08-1168 Approving the 2024 Budget Amendment No 2
Ordinance 2024-07-1167 Amending WSMC 2.02.010 City Hall Hours
Ordinance 2024-07-1165 Amending WSMC 3.24 Funds
Ordinance 2024-06-1164 Annexing Real Property
Ordinance 2024-04-1163 Authorizing the Financing of Property through Local Bond Program
Ordinance2024-04-1162 Amending WSMC 2.04 City Council
Ordinance2024-04-1161 USDA Water Bond
Ordinance 2024-03-1160 Amending the 2024 Budget
Ordinance 2024-01-1159 Amending WSMC Chapter 17.80 Conditional Uses, Variances and Appeals
Ordinance 2024-01-1158 Amending WSMC Title 19 Administration of Land Development and Procedure, Comp Plan and Development Reg.
Ordinance 2023-11-1157 Amending the 2023 Budget No 4
Ordinance 2023-12-1156 Amending WSMC 2.20 Boards, Committees, and Commissions and WSMC 2.21 Hearings Examiner
Ordinance 2023-11-1155 Amending WSMC 17 Zoning
Ordinance 2023-12-1154 Adopting the 2024 Budget
Ordinance 2023-11-1153 Creating WSMC 18.40 Heritage Trees
Ordinance 2023-11-1152 Amending WSMC 18.10 Critical Areas and WSMC 19.10.040
Ordinance 2023-11-1151 Amending 2023 Budget
Ordinance 2023-11-1150 Determining the 2024 Amount to Be Raised by Ad Valorem Taxes
Ordinance 2023-09-1149 Annexation of Unincorporated Island N. Main and NE Spring
Ordinance 2023-08-1148 Adopting the Transportation System Plan Lite
Exhibit A - White Salmon Transportation System Plan Lite
Ordinance 203-08-1147 Amending WSMC 8.20 Fireworks
Ordinance 2023-07-1146 Amending the 2023 Budget
Ordinance 2023-06-1145 Establishing Electric Vehicle Charging Station Fees
Ordinance 2023-06-1144 Adopting Chapter 69.50 RCW
Ordinance 2023-06-1142 Amending WSMC 13.16 Low-Income Utility Discount Program
Ordinance 2023-09-1141 Creating WSMC 5.10 Tenant Protections
Ordinance 2023-04-1140 Amending 2023 Budget
Ordinance 2023-04-1139 Repealing WMSC 10.34 Motorized Foot Scooters
Ordinance 2023-04-1138 Adopting WSMC Chapter 10.01 Definitions
Ordinance 2023-03-1137 Repealing WSMC 9.12 Alcoholic Beverages
Ordinance 2023-03-1136 Amending WSMC Repealed and Recodified RCWs
Ordinance 2023-03-1135 Repealing WSMC 10.32 Bicycles and Toy Vehicles
Ordinance 2023-03-1134 Amending WSMC 10.16 Turning Restrictions
Ordinance 2023-03-1133 Amending WSMC 10.08 Speed Limits
Ordinance 2023-03-1131 Repealing WSMC 10.12 Compression Brakes
Ordinance 2023-03-1130 Amending WSMC 10.28 Truck Loading Zones
Ordinance 2023-03-1129 Creating WSMC 2.40.050 Notary Public Services
Ordinance 2023-03-1128 Creating WSMC 2.02 City Hall and 2.02.010 City Hall Hours
Ordinance 2023-03-1127 Amending WSMC 9.08 Weapons
Ordinance 2023-02-1126 Creating WSMC 3.25.125 Transportation Improvement Fund
Ordinance 2023-02-1125 Establishing an Annual Vehicle License Fee
Ordinance 2023-02-1124 Adopting 0.1% Sales and Use Tax to Fund the White Salmon Transportation Benefit District
Ordinance 2023-02-1123, Amending Ordinance 2022-04-1101 2023 Water Bond Note
Ordinance 2023-02-1122 Amending WSMC 10.24 Stopping, Standing and Parking
Ordinance 2023-01-1121 Assuming the Power of the Transportation Benefit District
Ordinance2022-12-1120 Amending the Budget for 2022
Ordinance 2022-12-1119 Adopting WSMC 3.60 White Salmon Transportation Benefit District
Ordinance 2022-12-1118 Amending WSMC 2.20.030 to Create A Board of Appeals
Ordinance 2022-12-1117 Adopting the 2023 Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2023
Ordinance 2022-12-1116 Amending WSMC 13.16.055 Revising Sewer Rates
Ordinance 2022-12-1115 Amending WSMC 13.16.025 Revising Water Monthly Fees
Ordinance 2022-11-1114 Determining the Amount to Be Raised By Ad Valorem Taxes to Be Levied for the Year 2023
Ordinance 2022-10-1113 Amending the Budget for the City of White Salmon Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2022
Ordinance 2022-09-1112 Amending WSMC 2.32 Mayor and Council Salaries
Ordinance 2022-09-1111 Amending WSMC 13.24 Water Conservation (Water Shortage Emergency Regulations)
Ordinance 2022-09-1110 Amending WSMC 10.24 Stop, Standing and Parking
Ordinance 2022-08-1109, Amending WSMC 2.08 City Clerk-Treasurer
Ordinance 2022-08-1108, Amending WSMC 2.06 City Administrator
Ordinance 2022-07-1107 Approving and Affecting a Rezone Classification of Certain Properties from General Commercial to R3
Ordinance 2022-07-1106 Amending WSMC 10.25.016 Stop Intersections Desginated - Sign Erection Authorized (Dock Grade and Oak)
Ordinance 2022-05-1105 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year December 31, 2022
Ordinance 2022-05-1104 Amending WSMC 19.10.040 Project Permit Application Framework
Ordinance 2022-05-1103 Amending WSMC Chapter 17.81 Site and Building Plan Review
Ordinance 2022-05-1102 Amending WSMC 17.75 Residential Planned Unit Development (R-PUD)
Ordinance 2022-04-1101 Water Revenue Bond Anticipation Note 2022 (Non-Revolving Line of Credit)
Ordinance 2022-04-1100 Amending WSMC 3.24.225 USDA Fund
Ordinance 2022-03-1099 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year December 31, 2022
Ordinance 2022-02-1098 Amending WSMC 3.36.010 Fees Imposed
Ordinance 2022-02-1097 Adopting WSMC 17.57 Short-term Rentals, Hosted Homeshares, and Vacation Home Rentals
Ordinance 2022-02-1096 Amending WSMC 17.48 C General Commercial Districts
Ordinance 2022-02-1095 Amending WSMC 17.40 Conditional Uses in Residential Districts
Ordinance 2022-02-1094 Amending WSMC 17.08 Defintions
Ordinance 2022-02-1093 Amending WSMC 5.02 Short-term Rentals and Repealing Short-term Rental Moratorium
Ordinance 2022-02-1092 Amending WSMC 10.24.015 Stop Intersections Dsignated - Sign Erection Authorized
Ordinance 2022-01-1091 Declaring Short-term Rental Moratorium Extension
Ordinance 2021-12-1090 Amending the budget for Fiscal Year December 31, 2021
Ordinance 2021-12-1089 Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2022
Ordinance 2021-12-1088 Amending WSMC 13.16.025 Revising Water Monthly Fees
Ordinance 2021-11-1087 Determining the Amount to be Raised by Advalorem Taxes to be Levied for Year 2022
Ordinance 2021-10-1086 Repealing WSMC 8.50 Single-Use Carryout Bags
Ordinance 2021-09-1085 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year December 31, 2021
Ordinance 2021-08-1084 Adopting Revised Comprehensive Plan
Ordinance 2021-08-1084 Exhibit A Comprehensive Plan
Ordinance 2021-07-1083 Declaring Temporary Moratorium on Short-term Rentals
Ordinance 2021-07-1082 Amending WSMC 10.04.010 Adopting State Model Traffic Ordinance By Reference
Ordinance 2021-07-1081 Adopting WSMC 9.04 State Criminal Statutes By Reference
Ordinance 2021-06-1080 Amending WSMC 8.20 Fireworks
Ordinance 2021-05-1079 Amending WSMC 17.08 Definitions
Ordinance 2021-04-1078 Amending the Budget For Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2021
Ordinance 2021-04-1077 Adopting New WSMC Chapter 2.20 Boards, Commissions and Committees
Ordinance 2021-04-1076 Adopting WSMC 15.28 Flood Damage Prevention
Ordinance 2021-03-1075 Amending WSMC 10.24 - Stopping, Standing, and Parking
Ordinance 2021-03-1074 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2021
Ordinance 2021-02-1073 Water Revenue Bond 2021
Ordinance 2021-01-1072 Amending WSMC 18.35 City Tree Ordinance
Ordinance 2020-12-1071 Amending WSMC 5.04 Business Licenses
Ordinance 2020-12-1070 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2020
Ordinance 2020-12-1069 Adopting the Budget for Fiscal year 2021
Ordinance 2020-11-1068 Amending WSMC 17.78 Wireless Telecommunication Towers and Facilities
Ordinance 2020-11-1067 Determining the Amount to Be Raised by Advalorem Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2021
Ordinance 2020-10-1066 Amending Vehicle Code Sction WSMC CH 10.08 Regarding Speed Limits
Ordinance 2020-08-1065 Amending the budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2020
Ordinance 2020-07-1064 Repealing WSMC 17.36 MHR Mobile Home Residential District and Adding New Chapter 17.36 MHRP
Ordinance 2020-04-1063 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2020
Ordinance 2020-04-1062 Amending WSMC 1.14.010 - Designated (Official Newspaper)
Ordinance 2020-02-1061 Amending WSMC 10.08.010 State Route 14 and 141 Speed Limits
Ordinance 2020-01-1060 Imposing a Temporary Six-Month Moratorium on Development in All Residential Zoning Districts
Ordinance 2019-12-1059, Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2019
Ordinance 2019-12-1058 Adopting the 2020 Budget
Ordiannce 2019-11-1057 Determining the Amount to Be Rasied by Ad Valorem Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2020
Ordinance 2019-11-1056 Amending WSMC 2.06.030 Compensation
Ordinance 2019-10-1055 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year December 31, 2019
Ordinance 2019-10-1054 Repealing Ordinance 2019-08-1048 and Amending WSMC 10.08.010 State Routes 14 and 141 Speed Limits
Ordinance 2019-10-1053 Adopting WSMC 8.50 Single-Use Carryout Bags
Ordinance 2019-12-1052 Adopting WSMC 5.02 Short-Term Rentals
Ordinance 2019-09-1051 Water Revenue Bond Anticipation Note 2019 (Non-Revolving Line of Credt)
Ordinance 2019-08-1050 Amending WSMC 3.24 Funds
Ordinance 2019-08-1049 Amending WSMC 10.24.015 Stop Intersections Designated
Ordinance 2019-08-1048 Amending WSMC 10.08.010 State Route 14 and 141 Speed Limits
Ordinance 2019-08-1047 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year December 31, 2019
Ordinance 2019-07-1046 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year December 31, 2019
Ordinance 2019-07-1045 Amending WSMC 10.24.120 Parking Prohibited
Ordinance 2019-05-1044 Adopting WSMC 2.21 for Purpose of Establishing Hearing Examiner Procedure
Ordinance 2019-06-1043 Amending Ordinance 2019-05-1042 Annexing Certian Real Property to the City of White Salmon
Ordinance 2019-05-1042 Annexing Certain Real Property to to the City of White Salmon (Baxter, Klebba, White, Et Al)
Ordinance 2019-05-1041 Amending WSMC 10.24.015 Stop Intersections Desginated
Ordinance 2019-05-1040 Adopting WSMC 3.50 Excise Tax on Hotels, Motels and Similar Establishments
Ordinance 2019-03-1039 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2019
Ordinance 2019-02-1038 Amending WSMC 2.04.050-.060 Regarding Mayoral Committee Appointments
Ordinance 2018-12-1037 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2018
Ordinance 2018-12-1036 Annexing Real Property to the City of White Salmon (WS-ANX 2018-001, Hulbert)
Ordinance 2018-12-1035 Amending WSMC 2.04.050-.060 Regarding Mayoral Committee Appointments
Ordinance 2018-12-1034 Amending WSMC 13.16.025 Revising Water Monthly Fees
Ordinance 2018-12-1033 Amending WSMC 13.16.065 through 13.15.075 Revising Billing Procedures
Ordinance 2018-12-1032 Amending WSMC 13.16.055 Revising Sewer Rates
Ordinance 2018-12-1031 Amending WSMC 5.04 Business Licenses
Ordinance 2018-12-1030 Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2019
Ordinance 2018-11-1029 Determining the Amount to Be Raised by Ad Valorem Taxes
Ordinance 2018-11-1028 Amending WSMC 17.50.05 Regarding Building Height Limitations in RD Riverfrontage Zone
Ordinance 2018-08-1027 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2018
Ordinance 2018-05-1026 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2018
Ordinance 2018-05-1025 Granting Lightspeed Networks Inc DBA LS Networks a Non-Exclusive Franchise for 10 Years
Ordinance 2018-04-1024 Amending WSMC 10.24 Stopping, Standing and Parking
Ordinance 2018-03-1023 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2018
Ordinance 2018-03-1022 Amending WSMC 13.16.025 Revising Water Monthly Fees
Ordinance 2018-03-1021 Adopting the Updated Shoreline Master Program Approved by WA Department of Ecology on December 12, 2017
Ordinance 2018-02-1020 Amending WSMC 2.04.050-.060 Regarding Mayoral Committee Appointments
Ordinance 2017-12-1019 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2017
Ordinance 2017-12-1018 Amending WSMC 13.16.095 - 13.16.101 Low-Income Senior and Disabled Citizens Discount Program
Ordinance 2017-12-1017 Amending WSMC 13.16.055 Revising Sewer Rates
Ordinance 2017-12-1016 Amending WSMC 13.16.025 Revising Water Monthly Fees
Ordinance 2017-12-1015 Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2018
Ordinance 2017-11-1014 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2017
Ordinance 2017-09-1013 Amending WSMC 18.35 City Tree Ordinance
Ordinance 2017-07-1012 Proposition Authorizing the city to Levy Regular Property Taxes in Excess of Limitations of RCW 84.53
Ordinance 2017-05-1011 Amending Chapter 13.16 of the WSMC Allowing Adjustments Due to Leaks
Ordinance 2017-06-1010 Amending WSMC Sections 15.04.022 Regarding Design Requirements
Ordinance 2017-06-1009 Repealing WSMC Sections 10.24.170 and 10.24.10 Regarding Back-in Parking and Adding New WSMC 10.24.170
Ordinance 2017-05-1008 Amending WSMC Section 13.16.055 Regarding Sewer Rates
Ordinance 2017-05-1007 Amending WSMC 16.65 and 19.10 Regarding Short Plat Applications and Approval
Ordinance 2017-05-1006 Amending WSMC 17.80 Regarding Conditional Use Applications and Approvals
Ordinance 2017-04-1005 Amending WSMC Chapter 17.80.058 Regarding Variance Purpose and Criteria
Ordinance 2017-03-1004 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2017
Ordinance 2017-01-1003 Amending WSMC Chapter 10.24.010 Regarding Stopping, Standing and Parking
Ordinance 2016-12-1002 Amending WSMC 3.36.010 Regarding Land Use Fees
Ordinance 2016-12-1001 Amending Capital Improvements Elements of the City Comprehensive Plan
Ordinance 2016-12-1000 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2016
Ordinance 2016-11-999 Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2017
Ordinance 2016-11-998 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2016
Ordinance 2016-11-997 Determining the Amount to Be Raised by Ad Valorem Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2017
Ordinance 2016-10-996 Amending WSMC 19.10.040 Regarding Project Permit Application Framework
Ordinance 2016-10-995 Amending WSMC 17.48.075 Regarding Commercial District Development and Design Standards
Ordinance 2016-10-994 Amending WSMC 17.75 Regarding Residential Planned Unit Development (R-PUD)
Ordinance 2016-10-993 Amending WSMC 17.68.130 Regarding Manufactured Home Siting Standards
Ordinance 2016-09-992 Amending WSMC 3.32.010 Regarding Mayor and Council Salaries
Ordinance 2016-09-991 Amending WSMC 15.24.020 Permit Required for Parking on Private Land
Ordinance 2016-09-990 Adding the New Pool Construction Fund to the Fund Structure
Ordinance 2016-08-989 Amending WSMC 15.04 Building Code by Adopting Most Recent International Building Code by Reference
Ordinance 2016-08-988 Amending WSMC 10.24.170 Back-in Parking Only
Ordinance 2016-08-987 Amending WSMC 10.28.010 Regarding Truck Loading Zones and No-Parking Areas Designated
Ordinance 2016-07-986 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2016
Ordinance 2016-07-985 Adopting WSMC 17.49 Public Use Overlay for Public Properties
Ordinance 2016-06-984 Amending WSMC 10.24 Stopping, Standing and Parking
Ordinance 2016-05-983 Adopting a Parks and Recreation Element Addendum to the Comprehensive Plan
Ordinance 2016-04-982 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2016
Ordinance 2015-12-981 Adopting the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2016
Ordinance 2015-12-980 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015
Ordinance 2015-12-979 Amending WSMC 19.10.190 Regarding Notice of Public Hearings for Land Use Applications
Ordinance 2015-12-978 Amending WSMC 13.16.065 Changing Payment Due Date and Amending 13.15.075 Establishing Payment Obligation
Ordinance 2015-11-977 Determining the Amount to Be Raised by Ad Valorem Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2016
Ordinance 2015-09-976 Amending WSMC 9.08 to Add Tasers as Prohibited Weapons
Ordinance 2015-09-975 Amending Ordinance 2015-04-964 to Accept Different Interest Rate from USDA
Ordinance 2015-08-974 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015
Ordinance 2015-07-973 Amending WSMC 13.28 Latecomers Agreements Authorized
Ordinance 2015-07-972 Amending WSMC 10.24 and 10.40 Regarding Impoundment of Vehicles for Stopping, Standing and Parking
Ordinance 2015-05-971 Amending WSMC 2.36 Code of Ethics
Ordinance 2015-05-970 Amending WSMC 13.60.025(H) Adjusting Miscellaneous Service Charges
Ordinance 2015-05-969 Amending WSMC 10.08.090 Regarding Speed Limits on Lincoln Street
Ordinance 2015-04-968 Amending Ordinance 2015-04-964 to Accept Lower Interest Rate from USDA
Ordinance 2015-04-967 Amending WSMC 10.24 Regarding Stopping, Standing and Parking
Ordinance 2014-04-966 Amending WSMC 10.08 Regarding Speed Limits
Ordinance 2015-04-965 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2019
Ordinance 2015-04-964 Authorizing Issuance of Water Revenue Bond in the Principal Amount of $405,000
Ordinance 2015-02-963 Repealing WSMC 13.16.048 Regarding Adjustments Due to Leaks
Ordinance 2015-02-962 Amending WSMC 13.16.025(K) Updating Senior Citizen Discount
Ordinance 2015-02-961 Amending WSMC 6.08.030 and 6.08.040 Livestock, Fowl and Other Farm Animals
Ordinance 2015-02-960 Amending the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015
Ordinance 2015-02-959 Adding Police Investigation &Water Short-Lived Asset Reserve Funds and Closing All Refuse Funds
Ordinance 2014-12-958 Amending Provisions for Altering Short Plats
Ordinance 2014-12-957 Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015
Ordinance 2014-12-956 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014
Ordinance 2014-11-955 Establishing One-Way Designation for Tohomish Street Between Church Street and Main Street
Ordinance 2014-11-954 Determining the Amount to be Raised by Ad Valorem Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2015
Ordinance 2014-11-953 Amending WSMC 3.20.030 Clarifying Utility Tax on Cellular Telephone Service
Ordinance 2014-19-952 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014
Ordinance 2014-10-951 Establishing Speed Limit on Dock Grade Road and Amending Penalties for Speed Violation
Ordinance 2014-10-950 Amending WSMC 8.08 Providing for Exceptions for Required Garbage Service
Ordinance 2014-09-949 Annexing Certain Real Property to White Salmon
Ordinance 2014-08-948 Repealing WSMC 13.04 Water System Plan
Ordinance 2014-08-947 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014
Ordinance 2014-08-946 Revising WSMC 8.07 Nuisances
Ordinance 2014-08-945 Requiring Garbage Service
Ordinance 2014-08-944 Revising Staff Authority to Waive Late Fees
Ordinance 2014-08-943 Revising Requirements for Park Event Fees
Ordinance 2014-08-942 Revising the Payment Date for Utility Bills
Ordinance 2014-06-941 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014
Ordinance 2014-02-940 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014
Ordinance 2014-01-939 Providing Staff Authority to Waive Late Fees
Ordinance 2014-01-938 Annexing Real Property to the City of White Salmon (WS-ANX-2013-01, Dry Creek
Ordinance 2014-01-937 Amending and Repealing Sections of Animal Code Relating to Dangerous and Potentially Dangerous Dogs
Ordinance 2013-12-936 Adding the General Fund Reserve to the Fund Structure
Ordinance 2013-12-935 Revising WSMC 3.20 Telephone and Electric Utilities Taxes
Ordinance 2013-12-934 Amending WSMC 8.07 Regarding nuisances and Nuisance Abatement
Ordinance 2013-12-933 Repealing WSMC 8.08 Garbage Collection and Disposal
Ordinance 2013-12-932 Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014
Ordinance 2013-12-931 Repealing WSMC 13.16.030, Amending WSMC 13.16.025 and 13.16.055 Adjusting Basic Rates
Ordinance 2013-11-930 Determining the Amount to be Raised by Ad Valorem Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2014
Ordinance 2013-11-929 Annexing Certain Real Property to the City of White Salmon (WS-ANX-2013-02, Six-S)
Ordinance 2013-11-928 Amending WSMC 8.30 Regarding Fire Restrictions
Ordinance 2013-11-927 Granting Exclusive Organics Recycling Franchise to dig Hugger LLC
Ordinance 2013-11-926 Amending WSMC 10.24 Regarding Stopping, Standing and Parking
Ordinance 2013-11-925 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2013
Ordinance 2013-09-924 Repealing WSMC 15.16 Trailer Coaches and Trailer Camps
Ordinance 2013-09-923 Amending Title 2 of the Municipal Code Relating to Administration and Personnel
Ordinance 2013-07-922 Amending and Repealing Sections of the Animal Code Relating to Dangerous and Potentially Dangerous Dogs
Ordinance 2013-07-921 Amending and Replacing WSMC 8.07 Regarding Nuisances and Nuisance Abatement
Ordinance 2013-07-920 Restricting Firework Displays to Specific Dates
Ordinance 2013-06-919 Revising the Utility Business and Occupational Tax on Wastewater
Ordinance 2013-06-918 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2013
Ordinance 2013-06-917 Revising the Temporary Pool Change Fund
Ordinance 2013-05-916 Amending Title 2 of Municipal Code Relating to Administration and Personnel
Ordinance 2013-05-915 Allowing Certain Home Occupations
Ordinance 2013-04-914 Revising WSMC Chapter 8.08 to Add Section 8.08.135 Permitting Special Large Container Rental Rate
Ordinance 2013-03-913 Amending Chapter 12.26 of the Municipal code Relating to Street Design to Incorporate Complete Streets
Ordinance 2012-12-912 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2012
Ordinance 2012-12-911 Amending WSMC 13.16.025 Clarifying Minimum Rates and Enforcement of Charges
Ordinance 2012-12-910 Amending WSMC Chapter 17 by Replacing Chapter 17.48 to Update the Commercial Zoning
Ordinance 2012-12-909 Adopting the Budget For Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2013
Ordinance 2012-12-908 Revising WSMC 8.08 and Repealing Former Provisions to Garbage Collection and Disposal
Ordinance 2012-11-907 Creating WSMC Chapter 19 Regarding Land Use Administration
Ordinance 2012-11-906 Amending WSMC Chapter 18 Regarding Environmental Protection
Ordinance 2012-11-905 Amending WSMC Chapter 17 to Create New Sections 17.23, 17.64, 17.73, 17.75 and 17.81
Ordinance 2012-11-904 Amending WSMC Chapter 16 Regarding Land Divisions
Ordinance 2012-11-903 Amending WSMC Chapter 13 Creating New Chapter 13.01 Regulating Construction Permitting
Ordinance 2012-11-902 Amending WSMC Title 8 Adding Section 8.40 Regarding Outdoor Lighting
Ordinance 2012-11-901 Adopting Revised Comprehensive Plan for the City
Ordinance 2012-11-900 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2012
Ordinance 2012-09-899 Amending WSMC Chapter 2 to Create New Section 2.36 Establishing a Code of Ethics
Ordinance 2012-08-898 Annexing Certain Real Proeprty Comprising an Island of Territory Surrounded by the City of White Salmon
Ordinance 2012-06-897 Amending the Budget For Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2012
Ordinance 2012-06-896 Providing for the Submission of Proposition Authorizing City to Levy in Excess of Limitations of RCW 84.55
Ordinance 2012-06-894 Amending WSMC 2.12.030(A)(2) Relating to Minimum Qualifications for Police Chief
Ordinance 2012-06-893 Repealing WSMC 2.28.060 Hiring Process and Discipline of Chief
Ordinance 2012-06-892 Amending WSMC 8.05 Exemptions to Noise Disturbances
Ordinance 2012-07-891 Establishing a City Tree Ordinance
Ordinance 2012-06-890 Amending WSMC 15.04 Building Code
Ordinance 2012-05-889 Revising the Tax on Gambling for Bingo and Raffles
Ordinance 2012-05-888 Revising the Fund Structure
Ordinance 2012-04-887 Amending WSMC 6.08 Livestock, Fowl and Other Farm Animals
Ordinance 2012-02-886 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2012
Ordinance 2012-01-885 Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2012
Ordinance 2011-12-884 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2011
Ordinance 2011-11-883 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2011
Ordinance 2011-11-882 Providing for Annual Levy of Ad Valorem for 1996 General Obligation Bonds
Ordinance 2011-11-881 Determining the Amount to be Raised by Ad Valorem Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2012
Ordinance 2011-11-880 Revising Water Hookup Charges and Monthly Fees
Ordinance 2011-09-879 Lifting Water Connection Moratorium, Repealing Obsolete Ordinances, Amending WSMC 13.16.010
Ordinance 2011-09-878 Amending WSMC 3.24 Relating to City Funds
Ordinance 2011-09-877 Revising Utility Business and Occupational taxes on Water, Wastewater and ReFuse
Ordinance 2011-08-876 Amending WSMC 15.08 Building Codes
Ordinance 2011-10-875 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2011
Ordinance 2011-08-874 Amending WSMC 8.08.110 Refuse Rates and Charges
Ordinance 2011-07-871 Lifting Water Connection Moratorium, Repealing Obsolete Ordinances, Amending WSMC 13.16.010
Ordinance 2011-07-870 Modifying Health Insurance Suspense Fund Payments
Ordinance 2011-07-869 Amending Capital Improvements Elements of City Comprehensive Plan
Ordinance 2011-04-868 Amending WSMC 2.08 City Clerk-Treasurer
Ordinance 2011-03-867 Accepting Donations to the City
Ordinance 2011-07-866 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2011
Ordinance 2011-02-865 Amending WSMC 13.16.025, 13.16.030 and 13.16.035 Revising Rates
Ordinance 2011-02-864 Establishing Park User Fees
Ordinance 2011-02-863 Repealing Ordinance 2001-12-722 Section 4, Amending Ordinance 2008-2-812 Section 1 Clarifying Water Rates
Ordinance 2011-01-862 Addressing Right of Way Uses
Ordinance 2010-12-861 Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2011
Ordinance 2010-12-860 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2010
Ordinance 2010-12-859 Amending WSMC 2.28 Chief of Police
Ordinance 2010-12-858 Revising Utility Business and Occupational Tax on Water, Wastewater and Refuse
Ordinance 2010-11-856 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2010
Ordinance 2010-11-855 Amending WSMC 15.08 Building Code By Adopting Revised Application and Inspection Fees
Ordinance 2010-11-854 Providing for Annual Levy for Ad Valorem Taxes for 1995 General Obligation Bonds
Ordinance 2010-11-853 Determining the Amount to be Rasied by Ad Valorem Taxes to be Levied for the Year 2011
Ordinance 2010-10-852 Amending WSMC 2.12 Chief Of Police
Ordinance 2010-10-851 Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year December 31, 2010
Ordinance 2010-08-850 Annexing Certain Real Property to City of White Salmon (ICE)
Ordinance 2010-08-849 Amending WSMC 8.08 Garbage Collection and Disposal