Statewide Face Covering Requirement

The City of White Salmon would like to thank its citizens, along with the county residents for wearing face coverings. This helps slow the spread and is part of the solution.

Beginning Friday June 26, 2020, Governor Inslee has ordered that all citizens in the state must wear face coverings inside public places including stores, offices, and restaurants. The order also requires face coverings to be worn when outdoors if you cannot stay 6-feet apart from people who are not in your household, this includes authorized gatherings under the Governor’s phased approach.

The order includes the following:

  • Anyone age 5 years and older is required to wear a face covering while in public
  • Children between the ages of 2-4 are exempt, however it is recommended they wear face coverings when in public and as tolerated
  • Children unde age 2 are not required nor is it recommended to wear any face covering
  • Exemptions for certain disabilities and medical conditions are provided for in the order
  • You do not have to wear a face covering while eating at a restaurant
  • You do not have to wear a face covering outdoors if you can maintain 6-feet distance from people who are not in your household

You can find the order here : Order of the Secretary of Health 20-03, Face Coverings - Statewide

Be Part of the Solution

Wear a Face Covering

Practice Social Distancing – Maintain 6-feet Apart

Practice Good Hygiene – Frequent Hand Washing