Seeking Applications for New Board and Committee

The City of White Salmon is seeking applicants to serve on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee as well as the newly created City Lab Board. If you are interested in either, please submit a resume as well as a cover letter stating why you are interested in getting involved.

Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) will establish the program and procedure whereby parties may apply for grants from the Hotel/Motel tax fund for tourism promotion. The LTAC will also review applications and make recommendations to City Council. The LTAC must contain at least five members, including at least two representatives of businesses that are required to collect the lodging tax, at least two people who are involved in activities that are authorized to be funded by the lodging tax, and one elected official from the jurisdiction who serves as chair

City Lab Board
The City of White Salmon is committed to cultivating and preserving a community that emphasizes inclusion and connectedness. The City Lab Board will take direction from the Mayor and/or City Council on items the board may study, investigate, or provide guidance on in order to develop and recommend ordinances, resolutions, and/or building code changes that support the adopted Comprehensive Plan, relevant resolutions and other visioning documents approved by the City Council. Currently adopted resolutions include Climate Crisis Resolution (Resolution 2021-03-517), Diversity Resolution (Resolution 2019-06-489) and AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities Membership. The Board consists of up to 10 members, two shall be city council members and three City of White Salmon residents. The remaining five members can consist of residents in the White Salmon Urban Exempt Area, Columbia Gorge tribal representatives, High School Students, or other regionally appropriate stakeholders.

Volunteer position requirements: Once appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council, Committee and Board members are responsible for:

  • Attending and actively participating in Committee/Board meetings
  • Interacting with Committee members and appropriate City staff in the fulfillment of the Committee’s charge.
  • Reviewing background materials to understand the matters and issues relevant to its work.
  • Voicing concerns directly, promptly, and constructively.
  • Offering technical expertise when appropriate.

To apply:

Submit resume and cover letter to